Oil Cured Tomatoes

There has been a lot of Buzz around "Confit": Which is a generic term for various kinds of food that have been cooked in oil or sugar water (syrup). Sealed and stored in a cool, dark place, confit can last for several months. Confit ("prepared") is one of the oldest ways to preserve food, and is a speciality of southwestern France.

Here in the south, people are experts at preserving foods. The long, hot, morbidly humid summers, made preserving foods in clever ways, an absolute necessity to keep things edible for any length of time. There is a great tradition of Charcuterie, pickled fruits and veggies, and confits. The other day I did Tomatoes "en Conft" just because I adore them so very much. They will keep several weeks in the fridge. I use them as a topping for bruschetta, I add then to marinara to zest it up, I have even pureed these little gems into my Bloody Marys for brunch. I especially love oil cured tomatoes on my burger with melted blue cheese.  Put them on a buffet table with a few interesting cheese and breads, and watch them disappear! Wherever you can use tomatoes you use this lovelies!

Tomatoes En Confit (oil cured tomatoes-for us English-speakers)

  Take one pint of cherry tomatoes, 3-5 cloves garlic halved, 1/2 cup olive oil and simmer, COVERED, over high heat until the tomatoes turn "pruny" and browned (about 3 minutes). Remove from heat and add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Chill for one hour before serving.

Oil Cured Tomatoes.  Take one pint of cherry tomatoes, 3-5 cloves garlic halved, 1/2 cup olive oil and simmer, COVERED,  over high heat until the tomatoes turn "pruny" and browned (about 3 minutes). Remove from heat and add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Chill for one hour before serving with burgers or salad or wine buffet with toasted bread. YUM!!!!!


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